Pamela Heyen

Improve and maintain personal wellness with ZYTO

Are you looking for answers to questions about your health and wellness?  Most people aren’t sure what questions to even ask or where to start. The answers to these known and unknown questions are different for each individual, but the good news is that they are out there, and ZYTO technology can help you find them. 

Along with helping you put together the pieces of your personal wellness puzzle, ZYTO technology can help you keep that puzzle intact. 
A ZYTO scan will assist you in improving and maintaining all areas so you can be your best self and live the way you want to live. Common areas that our biocommunication scanning and perception reframing sessions can help you with include the following:
  • Energy
  • Immunity
  • Gut Health
  • Detoxification
  • Relationships
  • Weight management
  • Stress management
  • Nutrition
  • Performance
  • Anti-aging
ZYTO Elite Scan

The ZYTO Elite program allows me to scan for more than 1,500 additional biomarkers. Some of these biomarker categories are:
  • Muscles
  • Bones
  • Joints
  • Brain areas
  • Neurotransmitter
  • Hormones

How It Works


The Elite can also scan for other digital signatures that influence the body. The software contains thousands of these items in a variety of categories, including:
  • Heavy metals
  • Bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Viruses
  • Electromagnetic fields
  • Chemicals
  • Allergens
  • Lifestyle choices
  • Foods


The ZYTO software allows me to scan for hundreds and even thousands of digital signatures representing actual items. Your body responds to each Virtual Item scanned for in less than a second and records the response in real-time. 


A stressor Virtual Item scan reveals which items may warrant further attention, with the balancer Virtual Item scan that following to determine which items will bring those stressors into range. I use the Young Living Essential Oils & Supplements as the balancers in my scans.
Why Young Living?

Not all oils are created equal. Found out why!

Information courtesy of Pamela A Heyen